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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL CDI String Climate Data Interface version 1.9.8 (https://mpimet.mpg.de/cdi)
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Grid
attribute NC_GLOBAL CDO String Climate Data Operators version 1.9.8 (https://mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Citation String Lauvset, S. K, R. M. Key, A. Olsen, S. van Heuven, A. Velo, X. Lin, C. Schirnick, A. Kozyr, T. Tanhua, M. Hoppema, S. Jutterström, R. Steinfeldt, E. Jeansson, M. Ishii, F. F. Pérez, T. Suzuki and S. Watelet. A new global interior ocean mapped climatology: the 1°x1° GLODAP version 2, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 325–340, 2016, doi:10.5194/essd-8-325-2016
Key, R.M., A. Olsen, S. van Heuven, S. K. Lauvset, A. Velo, X. Lin, C. Schirnick, A. Kozyr, T. Tanhua, M. Hoppema, S. Jutterström, R. Steinfeldt, E. Jeansson, M. Ishii, F. F. Perez, and T. Suzuki. 2015. Global Ocean Data Analysis Project, Version 2 (GLODAPv2), ORNL/CDIAC-162, NDP-093. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. doi:10.3334/CDIAC/OTG.NDP093_GLODAPv2
attribute NC_GLOBAL Contact String https://www.glodap.info/index.php/contact/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Contact_information String siv.lauvset@uib.no; are.olsen@uib.no
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL Created String Created by Siv K. Lauvset on 12-May-2016 18:48:16
attribute NC_GLOBAL Description String 1 X 1 global mapped field of anthropogenic carbon content from the GLODAPv2 data product. Mapping is performed using the DIVA software (Troupin et al., 2012). Error fields are calculated using the clever poor mans error calculation method in DIVA (Beckers et al., 2014). The error fields represent the mapping error only, and does not include measurement or calculation uncertainties in the input data.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 179.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 89.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -89.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 179.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -179.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution double 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String Tue Mar 26 11:28:46 2024: cdo sellonlatbox,-180,180,-90,90 GLODAPv2.2016b.Cant.nc GLODAPv2.2016b.Cant.180.nc
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.glodap.info/index.php/mapped-data-product/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Global Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Institution_name String University of Bergen
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String al., anthropogenic, averaged, bin, bins, Cant, Cant_error, Cant_relerr, carbon, content, data, depth, depth_surface, deviation, diva, error, field, global, glodapv2, input, Input_mean, Input_N, Input_std, mapped, mapping, mass, moles, number, per, performed, product, relative, sea, seawater, software, standard, statistics, surface, troupin, unit, using, water
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by-sa
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 89.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -89.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String 1 X 1 global mapped field of anthropogenic carbon content from the GLODAPv2 data product. Mapping is performed using the DIVA software (Troupin et al., 2012). Error fields are calculated using the clever poor mans error calculation method in DIVA (Beckers et al., 2014). The error fields represent the mapping error only, and does not include measurement or calculation uncertainties in the input data.
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Global Ocean Data Analysis Project for Carbon (GLODAP) - Mapped Climatologies v2 2016b
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -179.5
dimension depth   int nValues=33, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=1.0
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range int 0, 32
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
dimension latitude   double nValues=180, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=1.0
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range double -89.5, 89.5
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
dimension longitude   double nValues=360, evenlySpaced=true, averageSpacing=1.0
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range double -179.5, 179.5
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable Cant   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute Cant long_name String moles of anthropogenic carbon content per unit mass in seawater
attribute Cant missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute Cant units String micro-mol kg-1
variable Cant_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant_error long_name String anthropogenic carbon content error
attribute Cant_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute Cant_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable Cant_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute Cant_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute Cant_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute Cant_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable Cant_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute Cant_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute Cant_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable Cant_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute Cant_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable Cant_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Cant_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Cant_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Cant_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute Cant_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute Cant_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute Cant_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable NO3   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3 _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3 _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3 long_name String moles of nitrate per unit mass in seawater
attribute NO3 missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3 standard_name String mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
attribute NO3 time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute NO3 units String micro-mol kg-1
variable NO3_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3_error long_name String nitrate error
attribute NO3_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute NO3_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable NO3_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute NO3_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute NO3_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute NO3_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable NO3_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute NO3_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute NO3_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable NO3_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute NO3_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable NO3_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute NO3_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute NO3_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute NO3_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute NO3_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute NO3_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute NO3_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaA   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute OmegaA long_name String aragonite saturation state calculated at in situ temperature and pressure
attribute OmegaA missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaA_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_error long_name String OmegaAr error
attribute OmegaA_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaA_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute OmegaA_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable OmegaA_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute OmegaA_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute OmegaA_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable OmegaA_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute OmegaA_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable OmegaA_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaA_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaA_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute OmegaA_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute OmegaA_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaA_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaC   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute OmegaC long_name String calcite saturation state calculated at in situ temperature and pressure
attribute OmegaC missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaC_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_error long_name String OmegaCa error
attribute OmegaC_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable OmegaC_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute OmegaC_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable OmegaC_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute OmegaC_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute OmegaC_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable OmegaC_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute OmegaC_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable OmegaC_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute OmegaC_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute OmegaC_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute OmegaC_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute OmegaC_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute OmegaC_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable oxygen   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen long_name String moles of dissolved molecular oxygen per unit mass in seawater
attribute oxygen missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute oxygen units String micro-mol kg-1
variable oxygen_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen_error long_name String dissolved molecular oxygen error
attribute oxygen_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute oxygen_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable oxygen_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute oxygen_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute oxygen_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute oxygen_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable oxygen_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute oxygen_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute oxygen_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable oxygen_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute oxygen_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable oxygen_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute oxygen_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute oxygen_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute oxygen_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute oxygen_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute oxygen_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute oxygen_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHts25p0   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0 _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0 _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0 Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute pHts25p0 long_name String seawater ph reported on total scale at standard temperature (25C) and pressure (0dbar)
attribute pHts25p0 missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0 time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHts25p0_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_error long_name String pH error
attribute pHts25p0_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHts25p0_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute pHts25p0_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable pHts25p0_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute pHts25p0_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable pHts25p0_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute pHts25p0_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable pHts25p0_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHts25p0_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHts25p0_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute pHts25p0_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute pHts25p0_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHts25p0_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHtsinsitutp   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHtsinsitutp _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHtsinsitutp _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute pHtsinsitutp long_name String seawater ph reported on total scale at in situ temperature and pressure
attribute pHtsinsitutp missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHtsinsitutp_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHtsinsitutp_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHtsinsitutp_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_error long_name String pH error
attribute pHtsinsitutp_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable pHtsinsitutp_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute pHtsinsitutp_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute IpHtsinsitutp_nput_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable pHtsinsitutp_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute pHtsinsitutp_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable PI_TCO2   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2 _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2 long_name String moles of pre-industrial dissolved inorganic carbon per unit mass in seawater
attribute PI_TCO2 missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2 time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute PI_TCO2 units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PI_TCO2_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_error long_name String pre-industrial dissolved inorganic carbon error
attribute PI_TCO2_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute PI_TCO2_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PI_TCO2_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PI_TCO2_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PI_TCO2_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable PI_TCO2_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute PI_TCO2_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable PO4   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4 _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4 _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4 long_name String moles of phosphate per unit mass in seawater
attribute PO4 missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4 standard_name String mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water
attribute PO4 time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute PO4 units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PO4_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4_error long_name String phosphate error
attribute PO4_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute PO4_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PO4_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute PO4_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute PO4_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute PO4_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PO4_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute PO4_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute PO4_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable PO4_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute PO4_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable PO4_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute PO4_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute PO4_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute PO4_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute PO4_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute PO4_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute PO4_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable salinity   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity long_name String seawater practical salinity
attribute salinity missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute salinity time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute salinity units String PSU
variable salinity_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity_error long_name String practical salinity error
attribute salinity_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable salinity_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute salinity_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute salinity_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute salinity_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable salinity_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute salinity_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute salinity_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable salinity_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute salinity_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable salinity_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute salinity_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute salinity_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute salinity_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute salinity_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute salinity_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute salinity_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable silicate   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate long_name String moles of silicate per unit mass in seawater
attribute silicate missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate standard_name String mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
attribute silicate time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute silicate units String micro-mol kg-1
variable silicate_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate_error long_name String silicate error
attribute silicate_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute silicate_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable silicate_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute silicate_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute silicate_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute silicate_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable silicate_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute silicate_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute silicate_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable silicate_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute silicate_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable silicate_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute silicate_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute silicate_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute silicate_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute silicate_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute silicate_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute silicate_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable temperature   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute temperature _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute temperature _FillValue double -999.0
attribute temperature long_name String seawater temperature
attribute temperature missing_value double -999.0
attribute temperature time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute temperature units String degrees celcius
variable temperature_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute temperature_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute temperature_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute temperature_error long_name String temperature error
attribute temperature_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute temperature_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute temperature_error units String degrees celcius
variable temperature_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute temperature_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute temperature_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute temperature_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute temperature_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute temperature_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute temperature_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute temperature_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable temperature_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute temperature_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute temperature_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute temperature_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute temperature_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute temperature_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable temperature_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute temperature_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute temperature_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute temperature_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute temperature_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute temperature_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute temperature_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable TAlk   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk long_name String seawater alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent per unit mass
attribute TAlk missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute TAlk units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TAlk_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk_error long_name String total alkalinity error
attribute TAlk_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute TAlk_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TAlk_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute TAlk_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute TAlk_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute TAlk_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TAlk_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute TAlk_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute TAlk_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TAlk_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute TAlk_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable TAlk_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TAlk_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TAlk_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TAlk_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute TAlk_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute TAlk_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute TAlk_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
variable TCO2   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2 _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2 _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2 Description String The GLODAPv2.2016b input data were normalized to the year 2002 using anthropogenic carbon calculated with the TTD method prior to mapping.
attribute TCO2 long_name String moles of dissolved inorganic carbon per unit mass in seawater
attribute TCO2 missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2 time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute TCO2 units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TCO2_error   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2_error _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2_error _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2_error long_name String dissolved inorganic carbon error
attribute TCO2_error missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2_error time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping
attribute TCO2_error units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TCO2_Input_mean   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2_Input_mean _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2_Input_mean _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_mean Description String GLODAPv2.2016b input data, vertically interpolated using a cubic hermite spline function and bin-averaged into a 1 X 1 grid. Mean within the given grid cell.
attribute TCO2_Input_mean long_name String bin averaged input data
attribute TCO2_Input_mean missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_mean time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute TCO2_Input_mean units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TCO2_Input_std   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2_Input_std _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2_Input_std _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_std long_name String standard deviation of bin averaged input data
attribute TCO2_Input_std missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_std time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
attribute TCO2_Input_std units String micro-mol kg-1
variable TCO2_Input_N   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2_Input_N _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2_Input_N _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_N long_name String number of data in bins
attribute TCO2_Input_N missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2_Input_N time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been binned and averaged
variable TCO2_relerr   double depth, latitude, longitude
attribute TCO2_relerr _ChunkSizes int 1, 180, 360
attribute TCO2_relerr _FillValue double -999.0
attribute TCO2_relerr Description String Mapping error relative to the variance in the input data. Calculated as error divided by the standard deviation in the data.
attribute TCO2_relerr long_name String relative error
attribute TCO2_relerr missing_value double -999.0
attribute TCO2_relerr time_period String For all surfaces (1-33) data from the years 1972-2013 inclusive have been used for mapping

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

ERDDAP, Version 2.17
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