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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Acces- sible | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | public | EMODnet Physics - Collection of Saildrone Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean (ATL2MED) SD-1030 Real-Time-Data | F I M | background | Saildrone | EP_ERD_SLD_ATME_AL_PP_955 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | area | String | Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_trajectory_variables | String | trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, COARDS |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | support at saildrone.com |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | http://saildrone.com/ |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_mode | String | realtime |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2020-07-17T12:30:05.477876Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | description | String | Saildrone NetCDF Format |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | drone_id | String | 1030 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | 18.9467728 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | Trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 45.6983904 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 13.9118176 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | 18.9467728 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -25.9588256 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | 119400 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | http://saildrone.com/ |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | Saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | interval | double | 60.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | active, air, air_pressure, air_temperature, angle, atl2med, atmosphere, atmospheric, BARO_PRES_MEAN, BARO_PRES_STDDEV, biosphere, chemistry, CHLOR_RBR_MEAN, CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV, CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN, CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV, chlorophyll, COG, COG_FILTERED_MEAN, COG_FILTERED_STDDEV, concentration, COND_RBR_MEAN, COND_RBR_STDDEV, COND_SBE37_MEAN, COND_SBE37_STDDEV, conductivity, course, data, density, dissolved, dominant, downward, downward_air_velocity, downwelling, drone, earth, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant Wave Height, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Spectra, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, eastward, eastward_wind, electrical, flux, fractional, fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water, ground, gust, GUST_WND_MEAN, GUST_WND_STDDEV, HDG, HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, HDG_WING, heading, height, humidity, latitude, level, longitude, mass, mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, max, maximum, mean, measurement, measurements, min, minute, mole, mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water, molecular, northward, northward_wind, O2, O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN, O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV, O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN, O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV, O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN, O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV, O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN, O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV, ocean, oceans, one, over, oxygen, PAR_AIR_MEAN, PAR_AIR_STDDEV, peak, period, photon, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, pitch, PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, platform, platform_course, platform_pitch_angle, platform_roll_angle, platform_speed_wrt_ground, platform_yaw_angle, practical, pressure, radiation, real, real time, real-time-data, relative, relative_humidity, RH_MEAN, RH_STDDEV, roll, ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, saildrone, SAL_RBR_MEAN, SAL_RBR_STDDEV, SAL_SBE37_MEAN, SAL_SBE37_STDDEV, salinity, saturation, science, sea, sea_surface_skin_temperature, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_water_electrical_conductivity, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_temperature, seawater, seconds, significant, skin, SOG, SOG_FILTERED_MAX, SOG_FILTERED_MEAN, SOG_FILTERED_MIN, SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV, spectra, spectral, speed, static, stddev, surface, surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air, TEMP_AIR_MEAN, TEMP_AIR_STDDEV, TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN, TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV, TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN, TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV, TEMP_SBE37_MEAN, TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV, temperature, time, trajectory, trajectory/drone, UWND_MEAN, UWND_STDDEV, vapor, variance, vegetation, vehicle, velocity, VWND_MEAN, VWND_STDDEV, water, wave, WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD, WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT, waves, wind, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV, wind_speed_of_gust, winds, wing, WING_ANGLE, WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, wrt, WWND_MEAN, WWND_STDDEV, yaw |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | 2019 © SAILDRONE Inc. All Rights Reserved. These Data and any resultant Product are the property of SAILDRONE. At SAILDRONE's sole discretion, these Data may be used for research or educational activities only. You may not use, share or sell the Data for any other purpose including for commercial purposes, or alternatively, have any unauthorized third party use or sell the Data, either for any research, educational and/or commercial purpose(s), without the express prior consent of SAILDRONE. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | com.saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | netcdf_version | String | |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 45.6983904 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform | String | Saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | atlantic_to_med_2019_to_2020 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 13.9118176 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v58 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Saildrone Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean (ATL2MED) SD-1030 Sea Real-Time-Data. Saildrone data from a local source. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | PT1H59M59S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2020-07-17T11:59:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_resolution | String | PT1M |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2019-10-16T22:00:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | EMODnet Physics - Collection of Saildrone Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean (ATL2MED) SD-1030 Real-Time-Data |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -25.9588256 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | wmo_id | String | 5801955 |
variable | trajectory | float | ||
attribute | trajectory | actual_range | float | 1030.0, 1030.0 |
attribute | trajectory | cf_role | String | trajectory_id |
attribute | trajectory | comment | String | A trajectory is a single deployment of a drone |
attribute | trajectory | long_name | String | Trajectory/Drone ID |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.5712632E9, 1.59498714E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | time in seconds |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 13.9118176, 45.6983904 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100035657) |
attribute | latitude | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T22:21:39.805140Z |
attribute | latitude | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | latitude | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | latitude | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | latitude | serial_number | String | 100035657 |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | latitude | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -25.9588256, 18.9467728 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100035657) |
attribute | longitude | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T22:21:39.805140Z |
attribute | longitude | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | longitude | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | longitude | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | longitude | serial_number | String | 100035657 |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | longitude | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | SOG | double | ||
attribute | SOG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG | actual_range | double | 0.003, 4.308 |
attribute | SOG | long_name | String | Speed over ground |
attribute | SOG | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.009, 3.959 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute mean |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1.768 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute stddev |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | actual_range | double | 0.023, 7.107 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute max |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3.859 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute min |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | COG | double | ||
attribute | COG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000233 |
attribute | COG | long_name | String | Course over ground |
attribute | COG | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG | units | String | degree |
variable | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 360.0 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Course over ground one minute mean |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | -179.9, 1522.7 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Course over ground one minute stddev |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG | double | ||
attribute | HDG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000001 |
attribute | HDG | long_name | String | Vehicle heading |
attribute | HDG | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 360.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle heading one minute mean |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle heading one minute stddev |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -46.8, 47.5 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute mean |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute stddev |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -46.8, 47.5 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute peak |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -24.2, 18.4 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute mean |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute stddev |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -24.2, 18.4 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute peak |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_WING | double | ||
attribute | HDG_WING | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_WING | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000001 |
attribute | HDG_WING | long_name | String | Wing heading |
attribute | HDG_WING | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 360.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing heading one minute mean |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 196.7 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing heading one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -31.5, 28.4 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute mean |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 28.4 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute peak |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -8.6, 9.9 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute mean |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 14.9 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -33.1, 44.3 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute peak |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ANGLE | double | ||
attribute | WING_ANGLE | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | actual_range | double | -180.0, 180.0 |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | long_name | String | Wing angle |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | units | String | degree |
variable | UWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | UWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -13.37, 14.03 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Eastward wind speed |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | eastward_wind |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | UWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 4.07 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Eastward wind speed SD |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | standard_name | String | eastward_wind |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | VWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | VWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -10.9, 6.49 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Northward wind speed |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | northward_wind |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | VWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.56 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Northward wind speed SD |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | standard_name | String | northward_wind |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -1.92, 0.74 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Downward wind speed |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | downward_air_velocity |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.39 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Downward wind speed SD |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | standard_name | String | downward_air_velocity |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | GUST_WND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.32, 16.89 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind gust speed |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | standard_name | String | wind_speed_of_gust |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | GUST_WND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.91 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind gust speed SD |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | standard_name | String | wind_speed_of_gust |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | actual_range | double | 4.46, 4.999 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind measurement height |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | units | String | m |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.414 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W181422) |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:57.681830Z |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-04-23 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind measurement height SD |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W181422 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | units | String | m |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 9.03, 29.76 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208621) |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:47.182586Z |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-27 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | long_name | String | Air temperature |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 0020208621 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | standard_name | String | air_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.01, 0.25 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208621) |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:47.182586Z |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-27 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Air temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 0020208621 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | air_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | RH_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | RH_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_MEAN | actual_range | double | 28.88, 100.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208621) |
attribute | RH_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:47.182586Z |
attribute | RH_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-27 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | long_name | String | Relative humidity |
attribute | RH_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_MEAN | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | serial_number | String | 0020208621 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | standard_name | String | relative_humidity |
attribute | RH_MEAN | units | String | percent |
attribute | RH_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | RH_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | RH_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 4.34 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208621) |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:47.182586Z |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-27 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | long_name | String | Relative humidity SD |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 0020208621 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | standard_name | String | relative_humidity |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | units | String | percent |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | BARO_PRES_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | actual_range | double | 1003.83, 1030.86 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | device_name | String | Vaisala Barometer (1120787) |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:37.141215Z |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | installed_height | double | 0.2 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-03-14 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | long_name | String | Air pressure |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | model_name | String | PTB210 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://www.vaisala.com/en/products/pressure/Pages/PTB210.aspx |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | serial_number | String | 1120787 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | standard_name | String | air_pressure |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | units | String | hPa |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Vaisala |
variable | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.01, 0.51 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | device_name | String | Vaisala Barometer (1120787) |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:37.141215Z |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 0.2 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-03-14 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | long_name | String | Air pressure SD |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | model_name | String | PTB210 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://www.vaisala.com/en/products/pressure/Pages/PTB210.aspx |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 1120787 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | standard_name | String | air_pressure |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | units | String | hPa |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Vaisala |
variable | PAR_AIR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2677.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | device_name | String | LI-COR PAR (9673) |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:15:08.995744Z |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.6 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-03-15 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | long_name | String | Photosynthetically active radiation in air |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | model_name | String | LI-192SA |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | model_product_page | String | https://www.licor.com/env/products/light/quantum_underwater.html |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 9673 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | standard_name | String | surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | units | String | micromol s-1 m-2 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | LI-COR |
variable | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 784.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | device_name | String | LI-COR PAR (9673) |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:15:08.995744Z |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.6 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-03-15 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Photosynthetically active radiation in air SD |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | model_name | String | LI-192SA |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | https://www.licor.com/env/products/light/quantum_underwater.html |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 9673 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | units | String | micromol s-1 m-2 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | LI-COR |
variable | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | actual_range | double | 12.68, 39.87 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | device_name | String | Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12269) |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:40.524872Z |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.25 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2017-05-22 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing Sea IR Temperature |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | model_name | String | CT15.10 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | serial_number | String | 12269 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_surface_skin_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Heitronics |
variable | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.77 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | device_name | String | Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12269) |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T21:13:40.524872Z |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.25 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2017-05-22 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing Sea IR Temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | model_name | String | CT15.10 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 12269 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_surface_skin_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Heitronics |
variable | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | double | ||
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | actual_range | double | 1.68, 128.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100035657) |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T22:21:39.805140Z |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | long_name | String | Dominant wave period |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | serial_number | String | 100035657 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | units | String | s |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | double | ||
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | actual_range | double | 0.047, 5.869 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100035657) |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T22:21:39.805140Z |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | long_name | String | Significant wave height |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | serial_number | String | 100035657 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | units | String | m |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 13.3605, 29.0995 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater temperature |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 1.0E-4, 0.1864 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 29.0077, 39.4044 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater salinity |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 1.0E-4, 1.2892 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater salinity SD |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | COND_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 40.76538, 63.13223 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1.73324 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity SD |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 13.354, 29.209 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater temperature |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.232 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | TEMP_CTD_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | SAL_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 25.875, 37.245 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater salinity |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1.211 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater salinity SD |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | SAL_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | COND_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 37.717, 56.817 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | COND_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | COND_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1.487 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity SD |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | COND_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 105.84, 260.81 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 67.2 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration SD |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 42.58, 112.63 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 27.11 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20981) |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:31.814034Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-06-30 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation SD |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20981 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | standard_name | String | fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 8.5, 248.12 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 8.05 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration SD |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 3.74, 111.88 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3.5 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation SD |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 13.382, 29.071 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater temperature |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.12 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | TEMP_O2_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 119.52 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | device_name | String | WET Labs Fluorometer (5618) |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:41.843529Z |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-09 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | model_name | String | FLS |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://www.seabird.com/eco-fl |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | serial_number | String | 5618 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | vendor_name | String | WET Labs |
variable | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 51.85 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | device_name | String | WET Labs Fluorometer (5618) |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:41.843529Z |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-09 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration SD |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | model_name | String | FLS |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://www.seabird.com/eco-fl |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 5618 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | WET Labs |
variable | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.1522, 523.4255 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | RBR |
variable | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0072, 65.2766 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | device_name | String | RBR CTD/ODO/Chl-A (040754) |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2019-08-09T20:02:26.697839Z |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.53 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2019-07-11 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration SD |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | model_name | String | Saildrone^3 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 040754 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 500.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_RBR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | RBR |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.