EMODnet Physics ERDDAP
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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID | ||
set | data | graph | files | Buoy-derived monthly currents in the Indian Ocean by SusTunTech project | F I M | background | AZTI (Spain) | Sustuntech_Buoy_derived_uv_monthly | |||||||
data | graph | files | EMODPACE - Monthly sea level derived from CMEMS-DUACS (DT-2018) satellite altimetry (1993- 2019) | F I M | background | CMCC | EMODPACE_SLEV_MONTHLY_MEAN_DESEASONALIZED | ||||||||
data | graph | files | EMODPACE - Monthly sea level derived from derived from NMDIS - CORAv1 reanalysis (1993-2019) | F I M | background |
set | data | graph | files | EMODPACE - PSMSL Revised Local Reference (RLR) annual data | F I M | background | PSMSL | EMODPACE_PSMSL_RLR_annual | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | EMODPACE - PSMSL Revised Local Reference (RLR) monthly data | F I M | background | PSMSL | EMODPACE_PSMSL_RLR_monthly | |||||||
data | graph | files | EMODPACE - Sea Level monthly mean, EurAsia. This product is based, uses and reprocess the CMEMS product id. SEALEVEL_GLO_PHY_CLIMATE_L4_REP_OBSERVATIONS_008_057 | F I M | background | CMCC | EMODPACE_SLEV_MONTHLY_MEAN | ||||||||
set | data | graph | files | GRDC MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE (MQ) | M | background | GRDC | GRDC_MEAN_MONTHLY_DISCHARGE | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | GRDC MEAN MONTHLY DISCHARGE (MQ) - CHEMISTRY | M | background | GRDC | GRDC_MEAN_MONTHLY_DISCHARGE_CHEMISTRY | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | ICES_MooringData | F I M | background | ICES | ICES_MooringData | |||||||
set | data | graph | files | ICES_XBT | F I M | background | ICES | ICES_XBT | |||||||
data | graph | M | files | North Adriatic Temperature and Salinity Climatology V1 monthly 1955-1984 and 1985-2016 | F I M | background |
| NADR_CLIM_TS_3KM_1_m_emt | |||||||
data | graph | M | files | North Adriatic Temperature and Salinity Climatology V1 monthly 1955-2016 | F I M | background |
| NADR_CLIM_TS_3KM_1_m | |||||||
data | graph | M | SDC_BlackSea_Climatology_TS_V2_monthly (SDC BLS CLIM TS V2 m), 0.125°, 1974-2007 | F I M | background | SeaDataNet | SDC_BLS_CLIM_TS_V2_m | ||||||||
data | graph | M | SDC_MedSea_Climatology_TS_V2_monthly_pre_post_east_mediterranean_transient, 0.125°, 1969-2001 | F I M | background | SeaDataNet | SDC_MED_CLIM_TS_V2_m_pre_post_emt | ||||||||
data | graph | M | SeaDataNet - North Sea Temperature Climatology (SDC NAT CLIM TS V1 050 m), 0.5°, 1955-2014 | F I M | background | SeaDataNet | SDC_NS_CLIM_TS_V1_m | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Wavy measurements from 00WO31 starting 2021-10-29T11:15:00 | F I M | background |
| MELOA_00wo31 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Wavy measurements from 00WO47 starting 2021-10-28T08:39:00 | F I M | background |
| MELOA_00wo47 | ||||||||
data | graph | files | Wavy measurements from 00WO52 starting 2021-10-29T11:16:00 | F I M | background |
| MELOA_00wo52 |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.