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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_altitude_proxy String PRES
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeriesProfile
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_profile_variables String time,latitude,longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String PLATFORM_NUMBER
attribute NC_GLOBAL citation String \"We recommend the following citation for these data:\nMarine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole (MEOP). [YEAR]. Animal-borne Temperature Profiles (TEMP). Available at https://www.meop.net/database/meop-databases/meop-ctd-database.html. Accessed via [project] on YYYY-MM-DD.\nPlease also refer to https://www.meop.net/database/how-to-cite.html on how to acknowledge these data appropriately.\"
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6 Sea-mammals-1.1, COARDS, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String info at meop.net
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole)
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String Consortium
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String https://www.meop.net/index.html (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_DOI String https://www.seanoe.org/data/00343/45461/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_format_original String netCDF
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_mode String D
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_update String 2024-03-08
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_update_frequence String ≥ yearly
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_url String https://www.seanoe.org/data/00343/45461/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL distribution_statement String Follow MEOP data policy standards, cf. http://www.meop.net/the-dataset/data-access.html. Data available free of charge. User assumes all risk for use of data. User must display citation in any publication or product using data. User must contact PI prior to any commercial use of data
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 179.9984
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeriesProfile
attribute NC_GLOBAL format_version String 1.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 87.7764
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -78.66
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 179.9984
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -179.9998
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String Marine mammal observation
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String https://www.meop.net/database/meop-databases/meop-ctd-database.html (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole)
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Conductivity, Salinity, Seals/Sea Lions/Walruses, Water Depth, Water Temperature
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String CC-BY4.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String EMODnet Physics
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 87.7764
attribute NC_GLOBAL number_light_profiles double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL owner String MEOP consortium (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole)
attribute NC_GLOBAL owner_url String http://www.meop.net (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_type String organism
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String https://www.seanoe.org/data/00343/45461/ (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String In situ observations
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -78.66
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v85
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String PLATFORM_NUMBER,nation,location,species
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String \"MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole) is a consortium of international researchers dedicated to sharing animal-derived data and knowledge about the polar oceans.\nSince 2004, several hundred thousands profiles of temperature and salinity have been collected by instrumented animals. The use of elephant seals has been particularly effective to sample the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. Other seal species have been successfully used in the North Atlantic, such as hooded seals. These hydrographic data have been assembled in a quality-controlled database, the MEOP-CTD database.\nThese data are profiles of temperature (°C). Each profile is located in space and time. It must be emphasised that the dataset of each individual CTD-SRDL has been edited and corrected separately, as a given CTD-SRDL has its own specificities in terms of data accuracy and quality of the estimated correction. A post-processing procedure is applied on hydrographic data in order to ensure the best possible data quality. For more details, please visit https://www.meop.net/database/data-processing-and-validation.html.\"
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2024-02-22T12:45:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2004-01-27T11:49:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String MEOP - Animal-borne Profiles
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -179.9998
variable data_assembly_center String
attribute data_assembly_center long_name String Data Assembly Center
variable deployment_code String
attribute deployment_code long_name String Deployment Code
variable firmware_parameters String
attribute firmware_parameters long_name String Firmware Parameters
variable firmware_version String
attribute firmware_version long_name String Firmware Version
variable instr_id String
attribute instr_id long_name String Instrument ID
variable location String
attribute location long_name String Location
variable nation String
attribute nation long_name String Nation
variable PI String
attribute PI long_name String Principal Investigator
variable pi_name String
attribute pi_name long_name String Principal Investigator Name
variable platform_code String
attribute platform_code long_name String Platform Code
variable reference_file_name String
attribute reference_file_name long_name String Reference File Name
variable smru_platform_code String
attribute smru_platform_code long_name String SMRU Platform Code
variable species String
attribute species long_name String Species
variable wmo_platform_code String
attribute wmo_platform_code long_name String WMO Platform Code
variable DATA_TYPE String
attribute DATA_TYPE comment String Data type
attribute DATA_TYPE long_name String DATA TYPE
variable FORMAT_VERSION String
attribute FORMAT_VERSION comment String File format version
attribute FORMAT_VERSION long_name String FORMAT VERSION
variable HANDBOOK_VERSION String
attribute HANDBOOK_VERSION comment String Data handbook version
attribute REFERENCE_DATE_TIME comment String Date of reference for Julian days
variable DATE_CREATION String
attribute DATE_CREATION comment String Date of file creation
attribute DATE_CREATION conventions String YYYYMMDDHHMISS
attribute DATE_CREATION long_name String DATE CREATION
variable DATE_UPDATE String
attribute DATE_UPDATE conventions String YYYYMMDDHHMISS
attribute DATE_UPDATE long_name String Date of update of this file
variable DATE_UPDATE_DT double
attribute DATE_UPDATE_DT actual_range double 1.707928617E9, 1.709810139E9
attribute DATE_UPDATE_DT ioos_category String Time
attribute DATE_UPDATE_DT long_name String DATE UPDATE DT
attribute DATE_UPDATE_DT time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute DATE_UPDATE_DT units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable PLATFORM_NUMBER String
attribute PLATFORM_NUMBER cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute PLATFORM_NUMBER conventions String WMO float identifier : A9IIIII
attribute PLATFORM_NUMBER long_name String Float unique identifier
variable PROJECT_NAME String
attribute PROJECT_NAME comment String Name of the project
attribute PROJECT_NAME long_name String PROJECT NAME
variable PI_NAME String
attribute PI_NAME comment String Name of the principal investigator
attribute PI_NAME long_name String PI NAME
variable CYCLE_NUMBER int
attribute CYCLE_NUMBER _FillValue int 99999
attribute CYCLE_NUMBER actual_range int 1, 2893
attribute CYCLE_NUMBER conventions String 0..N, 0 : launch cycle (if exists), 1 : first complete cycle
attribute CYCLE_NUMBER long_name String Float cycle number
attribute CYCLE_NUMBER units String 1
variable DIRECTION char
attribute DIRECTION actual_range char A, A
attribute DIRECTION conventions String A: ascending profiles, D: descending profiles
attribute DIRECTION long_name String Direction of the station profiles
variable DATA_CENTRE String
attribute DATA_CENTRE conventions String Argo reference table 4
attribute DATA_CENTRE long_name String Data centre in charge of float data processing
variable DC_REFERENCE String
attribute DC_REFERENCE conventions String Data centre convention
attribute DC_REFERENCE long_name String Station unique identifier in data centre
attribute DATA_STATE_INDICATOR conventions String Argo reference table 6
attribute DATA_STATE_INDICATOR long_name String Degree of processing the data have passed through
variable DATA_MODE char
attribute DATA_MODE actual_range char D, D
attribute DATA_MODE conventions String R : real time; D : delayed mode; A : real time with adjustment
attribute DATA_MODE long_name String Delayed mode or real time data
variable INST_REFERENCE String
attribute INST_REFERENCE conventions String Brand, type, serial number
attribute INST_REFERENCE long_name String Instrument type
variable WMO_INST_TYPE String
attribute WMO_INST_TYPE conventions String Argo reference table 8
attribute WMO_INST_TYPE long_name String Coded instrument type
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.07520414E9, 1.7086059E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String julian
attribute time cf_role String profile_id
attribute time conventions String Relative julian days with decimal part (as parts of day)
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Julian day (UTC) of the station relative to REFERENCE_DATE_TIME
attribute time source_name String JULD
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable JULD_QC char
attribute JULD_QC actual_range char 1, 1
attribute JULD_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute JULD_QC long_name String Quality on Date and Time
variable JULD_LOCATION double
attribute JULD_LOCATION actual_range double 1.07520414E9, 1.7086059E9
attribute JULD_LOCATION calendar String julian
attribute JULD_LOCATION conventions String Relative julian days with decimal part (as parts of day)
attribute JULD_LOCATION ioos_category String Time
attribute JULD_LOCATION long_name String Julian day (UTC) of the location relative to REFERENCE_DATE_TIME
attribute JULD_LOCATION standard_name String time
attribute JULD_LOCATION time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute JULD_LOCATION units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double 99999.0
attribute latitude actual_range double -78.66, 87.7764
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude of the station, best estimate
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double 99999.0
attribute longitude actual_range double -179.9998, 179.9984
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude of the station, best estimate
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable POSITION_QC char
attribute POSITION_QC actual_range char 1, 1
attribute POSITION_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute POSITION_QC long_name String Quality on position (latitude and longitude)
attribute POSITIONING_SYSTEM long_name String Positioning system
variable PROFILE_PRES_QC char
attribute PROFILE_PRES_QC actual_range char A, A
attribute PROFILE_PRES_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2a
attribute PROFILE_PRES_QC long_name String Global quality flag of PRES profile
variable PROFILE_PSAL_QC char
attribute PROFILE_PSAL_QC actual_range char A, A
attribute PROFILE_PSAL_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2a
attribute PROFILE_PSAL_QC long_name String Global quality flag of PSAL profile
variable PROFILE_TEMP_QC char
attribute PROFILE_TEMP_QC actual_range char A, A
attribute PROFILE_TEMP_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2a
attribute PROFILE_TEMP_QC long_name String Global quality flag of TEMP profile
variable PRES float
attribute PRES _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute PRES _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PRES actual_range float 0.0, 2552.0
attribute PRES axis String Z
attribute PRES comment String In situ measurement, sea surface = 0
attribute PRES long_name String SEA PRESSURE
attribute PRES standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute PRES units String decibar
attribute PRES valid_max float 12000.0
attribute PRES valid_min float 0.0
variable PRES_QC char
attribute PRES_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute PRES_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute PRES_QC long_name String quality flag
variable PRES_ADJUSTED float
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED actual_range float 0.0, 2552.0
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED comment String In situ measurement, sea surface = 0
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED long_name String SEA PRESSURE
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED units String decibar
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED valid_max float 12000.0
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED valid_min float 0.0
variable PRES_ADJUSTED_QC char
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_QC long_name String quality flag
variable PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR float
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR comment String Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process.
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR long_name String SEA PRESSURE
attribute PRES_ADJUSTED_ERROR units String decibar
variable TEMP float
attribute TEMP _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute TEMP actual_range float -7.801476, 932.5018
attribute TEMP comment String In situ measurement
attribute TEMP long_name String SEA TEMPERATURE IN SITU ITS-90 SCALE
attribute TEMP standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMP units String degree_Celsius
attribute TEMP valid_max float 40.0
attribute TEMP valid_min float -2.0
variable TEMP_QC char
attribute TEMP_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute TEMP_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute TEMP_QC long_name String quality flag
variable TEMP_ADJUSTED float
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED actual_range float -4.915466, 31.98509
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED comment String In situ measurement
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED units String degree_Celsius
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED valid_max float 40.0
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED valid_min float -2.0
variable TEMP_ADJUSTED_QC char
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_QC long_name String quality flag
variable TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR float
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR actual_range float 0.03, 0.4
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR comment String Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process.
attribute TEMP_ADJUSTED_ERROR units String degree_Celsius
variable PSAL float
attribute PSAL _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PSAL actual_range float -0.006794212, 22614.28
attribute PSAL comment String In situ measurement
attribute PSAL long_name String PRACTICAL SALINITY
attribute PSAL standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute PSAL units String PSU
attribute PSAL valid_max float 42.0
attribute PSAL valid_min float 0.0
variable PSAL_QC char
attribute PSAL_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute PSAL_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute PSAL_QC long_name String quality flag
variable PSAL_ADJUSTED float
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED actual_range float 4.065279, 39.05772
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED comment String In situ measurement
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED units String PSU
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED valid_max float 42.0
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED valid_min float 0.0
variable PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC char
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC actual_range char 1, 9
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC conventions String Argo reference table 2
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_QC long_name String quality flag
variable PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR float
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR _FillValue float 99999.0
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR actual_range float 0.05, 0.4
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR comment String Contains the error on the adjusted values as determined by the delayed mode QC process.
attribute PSAL_ADJUSTED_ERROR units String 1e-3

ERDDAP, Version 2.25_1
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