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griddap | Subset | tabledap | Make A Graph | wms | files | Title | Summary | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Info | Background Info | RSS | Institution | Dataset ID | |
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal.graph | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/files/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal/ | Global Ocean, Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations, SOCATv2024 (decadal) | Global Ocean - Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations - SOCATv2024. Surface Ocean Carbon Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded (binned) SOCAT observations, with a spatial grid of 1x1 degree and yearly in time. The gridded fields are computed from the monthly 1-degree gridded data, which uses only SOCAT datasets with Quality Control (QC) flags of A through D and SOCAT data points flagged with World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) flag values of 2. This yearly data is computed using data from the start to the end of each year as described in the summary attribute of each variable.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\ncount_ncruise_decade (Number of cruises, count)\nfco2_count_nobs_decade (Number of fco2 obs, count)\nfco2_ave_weighted_decade (fCO2 mean - per cruise weighted, uatm)\nfco2_ave_unwtd_decade (fCO2 mean - unweighted all obs, uatm)\nfco2_min_unwtd_decade (fCO2 min, uatm)\nfco2_max_unwtd_decade (fCO2 max, uatm)\nsst_count_nobs_decade (Number of valid sst obs, count)\nsst_ave_weighted_decade (SST mean - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\nsst_ave_unwtd_decade (SST mean - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\nsst_min_unwtd_decade (SST min, degree_C)\nsst_max_unwtd_decade (SST max, degree_C)\nsalinity_count_nobs_decade (Number of valid salinity obs, count)\nsalinity_ave_weighted_decade (Salinity mean - per cruise weighted, PSU)\nsalinity_ave_unwtd_decade (Salinity mean - unweighted all obs, PSU)\nsalinity_min_unwtd_decade (Salinity min, PSU)\nsalinity_max_unwtd_decade (Salinity max, PSU)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal/index.htmlTable | https://www.socat.info/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal&showErrors=false&email= | PMEL, NOAA | SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_decadal | |||
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly.graph | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/files/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly/ | Global Ocean, Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations, SOCATv2024 (monthly) | Global Ocean - Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations - SOCATv2024. Surface Ocean Carbon Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded (binned) SOCAT observations, with a spatial grid of 1x1 degree and yearly in time. The gridded fields are computed from the monthly 1-degree gridded data, which uses only SOCAT datasets with Quality Control (QC) flags of A through D and SOCAT data points flagged with World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) flag values of 2. This yearly data is computed using data from the start to the end of each year as described in the summary attribute of each variable.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\ncount_ncruise (Number of cruises, count)\nfco2_count_nobs (Number of fco2 obs, count)\nfco2_ave_weighted (fCO2 mean - per cruise weighted, uatm)\nfco2_ave_unwtd (fCO2 mean - unweighted all obs, uatm)\nfco2_min_unwtd (fCO2 min, uatm)\nfco2_max_unwtd (fCO2 max, uatm)\nfco2_std_weighted (fCO2 std dev - per cruise weighted, uatm)\nfco2_std_unwtd (fCO2 std dev - unweighted all obs, uatm)\nsst_count_nobs (Number of valid sst obs, count)\nsst_ave_weighted (SST mean - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\nsst_ave_unwtd (SST mean - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\nsst_min_unwtd (SST min, degree_C)\nsst_max_unwtd (SST max, degree_C)\nsst_std_weighted (SST std dev - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\nsst_std_unwtd (SST std dev - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\nsalinity_count_nobs (Number of valid salinity obs, count)\nsalinity_ave_weighted (Salinity mean - per cruise weighted, PSU)\nsalinity_ave_unwtd (Salinity mean - unweighted all obs, PSU)\nsalinity_min_unwtd (Salinity min, PSU)\nsalinity_max_unwtd (Salinity max, PSU)\nsalinity_std_weighted (Salinity std dev - per cruise weighted, PSU)\nsalinity_std_unwtd (Salinity std dev - unweighted all obs, PSU)\nlat_offset_unwtd (Latitude average offset from cell center, Deg N)\nlon_offset_unwtd (Longitude average offset from cell center, Deg E)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly/index.htmlTable | https://www.socat.info/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly&showErrors=false&email= | PMEL, NOAA | SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_monthly | |||
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly.graph | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/files/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly/ | Global Ocean, Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations, SOCATv2024 (quarter-degree coastal) | Global Ocean - Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations - SOCATv2024. Surface Ocean Carbon Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded (binned) SOCAT observations, with a spatial grid of 1x1 degree and yearly in time. The gridded fields are computed from the monthly 1-degree gridded data, which uses only SOCAT datasets with Quality Control (QC) flags of A through D and SOCAT data points flagged with World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) flag values of 2. This yearly data is computed using data from the start to the end of each year as described in the summary attribute of each variable.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\ncoast_count_ncruise (Number of cruises, count)\ncoast_fco2_count_nobs (Number of fco2 obs, count)\ncoast_fco2_ave_unwtd (fCO2 mean - unweighted all obs, uatm)\ncoast_fco2_ave_weighted (fCO2 mean - per cruise weighted, uatm)\ncoast_fco2_max_unwtd (fCO2 max, uatm)\ncoast_fco2_min_unwtd (fCO2 min, uatm)\ncoast_fco2_std_unwtd (fCO2 std dev - unweighted all obs, uatm)\ncoast_fco2_std_weighted (fCO2 std dev - per cruise weighted, uatm)\ncoast_sst_count_nobs (Number of valid sst obs, count)\ncoast_sst_ave_unwtd (SST mean - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\ncoast_sst_ave_weighted (SST mean - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\ncoast_sst_max_unwtd (SST max, degree_C)\ncoast_sst_min_unwtd (SST min, degree_C)\ncoast_sst_std_unwtd (SST std dev - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\ncoast_sst_std_weighted (SST std dev - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\ncoast_salinity_count_nobs (Number of valid salinity obs, count)\ncoast_salinity_ave_unwtd (Salinity mean - unweighted all obs, PSU)\ncoast_salinity_ave_weighted (Salinity mean - per cruise weighted, PSU)\ncoast_salinity_max_unwtd (Salinity max, PSU)\ncoast_salinity_min_unwtd (Salinity min, PSU)\ncoast_salinity_std_unwtd (Salinity std dev - unweighted all obs, PSU)\ncoast_salinity_std_weighted (Salinity std dev - per cruise weighted, PSU)\ncoast_lat_offset_unwtd (Latitude average offset from cell center, Deg N)\ncoast_lon_offset_unwtd (Longitude average offset from cell center, Deg E)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly/index.htmlTable | https://www.socat.info/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly&showErrors=false&email= | PMEL, NOAA | SOCATv2024_qrtrdeg_gridded_coast_monthly | |||
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/griddap/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly.graph | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/files/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly/ | Global Ocean, Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations, SOCATv2024 (yearly) | Global Ocean - Gridded In Situ reprocessed carbon observations - SOCATv2024. Surface Ocean Carbon Atlas (SOCAT) Gridded (binned) SOCAT observations, with a spatial grid of 1x1 degree and yearly in time. The gridded fields are computed from the monthly 1-degree gridded data, which uses only SOCAT datasets with Quality Control (QC) flags of A through D and SOCAT data points flagged with World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) flag values of 2. This yearly data is computed using data from the start to the end of each year as described in the summary attribute of each variable.\n\ncdm_data_type = Grid\nVARIABLES (all of which use the dimensions [time][latitude][longitude]):\ncount_ncruise_year (Number of cruises, count)\nfco2_count_nobs_year (Number of fco2 obs, count)\nfco2_ave_weighted_year (fCO2 mean - per cruise weighted, uatm)\nfco2_ave_unwtd_year (fCO2 mean - unweighted all obs, uatm)\nfco2_min_unwtd_year (fCO2 min, uatm)\nfco2_max_unwtd_year (fCO2 max, uatm)\nsst_count_nobs_year (Number of valid sst obs, count)\nsst_ave_weighted_year (SST mean - per cruise weighted, degree_C)\nsst_ave_unwtd_year (SST mean - unweighted all obs, degree_C)\nsst_min_unwtd_year (SST min, degree_C)\nsst_max_unwtd_year (SST max, degree_C)\nsalinity_count_nobs_year (Number of valid salinity obs, count)\nsalinity_ave_weighted_year (Salinity mean - per cruise weighted, PSU)\nsalinity_ave_unwtd_year (Salinity mean - unweighted all obs, PSU)\nsalinity_min_unwtd_year (Salinity min, PSU)\nsalinity_max_unwtd_year (Salinity max, PSU)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly/index.htmlTable | https://www.socat.info/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly&showErrors=false&email= | PMEL, NOAA | SOCATv2024_tracks_gridded_yearly | |||
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds.subset | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds.graph | JASL/UHSLC Research Quality Tide Gauge Data (daily) | The Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL) Research Quality Data Set (RQDS) is a collaboration between the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC) and the World Data Center for Oceanography of the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The objective of the JASL RQDS is to assemble a well-documented, quality-controlled archive of hourly and daily sea level values that is appropriate for scientific research applications. The JASL RQDS is the largest global collection of quality-controlled hourly sea level data, and ongoing efforts seek to acquire new sites and uncover historic records as available.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nsea_level (relative sea level, millimeters)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nstation_name\nstation_country (station country (ISO 3166-1))\nstation_country_code (station country code (ISO 3166-1 numeric))\nrecord_id (unique identifier for each record (i.e., station and version) in the database)\nuhslc_id (unique station ID number used by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC))\nversion (station version)\ngloss_id (unique station ID number used by the WMO/IOC Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS))\nssc_id (unique station ID code in the Sealevel Station Catalog (SSC) produced by the WMO/IOC Sea Level Monitoring Facility (VLIZ))\ndecimation_method\nreference_code\nreference_offset (millimeters)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds/index.htmlTable | https://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu/data/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/UHSLC_global_daily_rqds.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=UHSLC_global_daily_rqds&showErrors=false&email= | University of Hawaii Sea Level Center | UHSLC_global_daily_rqds | |||
https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds.subset | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/tabledap/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds.graph | JASL/UHSLC Research Quality Tide Gauge Data (hourly) | The Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL) Research Quality Data Set (RQDS) is a collaboration between the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC) and the World Data Center for Oceanography of the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The objective of the JASL RQDS is to assemble a well-documented, quality-controlled archive of hourly and daily sea level values that is appropriate for scientific research applications. The JASL RQDS is the largest global collection of quality-controlled hourly sea level data, and ongoing efforts seek to acquire new sites and uncover historic records as available.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\nsea_level (relative sea level, millimeters)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nstation_name\nstation_country (station country (ISO 3166-1))\nstation_country_code (station country code (ISO 3166-1 numeric))\nrecord_id (unique identifier for each record (i.e., station and version) in the database)\nuhslc_id (unique station ID number used by the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC))\nversion (station version)\ngloss_id (unique station ID number used by the WMO/IOC Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS))\nssc_id (unique station ID code in the Sealevel Station Catalog (SSC) produced by the WMO/IOC Sea Level Monitoring Facility (VLIZ))\ndecimation_method\nreference_code\nreference_offset (millimeters)\n | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/fgdc/xml/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds_fgdc.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/metadata/iso19115/xml/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds_iso19115.xml | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/info/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds/index.htmlTable | https://uhslc.soest.hawaii.edu/data/ | http://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/rss/UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds.rss | https://erddap.emodnet-physics.eu/erddap/subscriptions/add.html?datasetID=UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds&showErrors=false&email= | University of Hawaii Sea Level Center | UHSLC_global_hourly_rqds |